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Fortinet FortiMonitor Series
Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) Solution

FortiMonitor delivers cloud-based full stack visibility of the security and network health combined with automated remediation. This ensures an application in any deployment, whether containers, cloud, on-premises, or hybrid, is meeting user expectations.

By analyzing both network and security health on the digital experience, potential problem areas are identified and remediated before they impact the business. IT teams gain full visibility of network performance and security posture.

FortiMonitor Series

Features and Benefits

Digital Experience Monitoring

Observe user-to-application performance across the globe while identifying security anomalies

Fast Path to Value

Simple SaaS deployment of network and digital experience monitoring (DEM)

Security and Monitoring

Path awareness intelligence and link remediation delivers best application performance by automated fail-over and fail-back mechanism

Ease of Use

Understand your entire network and security posture instantly, without operator intervention

FortiMonitor Videos

FortiMonitor Overview Video

FortiMonitor is a holistic, SaaS-based digital experience and network performance monitoring solution. It facilitates deep analysis of both network health metrics and application performance to identify potential problem areas that impact user access. The scalable solution consolidates monitoring, network incident management, automation, and network configuration management into a single source of truth. In turn, that provides full-stack visibility into every service, network device, and application in any deployment, whether containers, cloud, on-premises, or hybrid.

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